DAV ACC Public School

Kymore, Katni, M.P.

Examination Policy  

Examination and Test Schedules

NORMS OF PROMOTION FOR STANDARD III TO V                                                                                                                       

1. As per NPE-86 and NCERT frame work {1988}, emphasis needs to be on continuous assessment of the overall  growth and development – physical ,mental ,social, emotional and spiritual of the learner.                                                                                                         

2. All the students of III to V standard will be evaluated and assessed throughout the session not only in Scholastic Areas but in Co-Scholastic Areas also.                                                                                                                                                                                             

3. Evaluation is an intergral part of teaching learning process. In this a teacher will take the following steps-

 * Set up the learning objectives.                                                                                                                                 

  *Plan out the activities to meet the learning objectives.                                                                                                                            

  *Carry out the activities.                                                                                                                                                                              

 *Evaluates the learningoutcome.                                                                                                                                                                                         

4. All the students will be evaluated thrice in the entire session through Pen-Paper Test. Each  Evaluation will have one Pen- Paper Test. In total there will be three Pen -Paper test in the entire session . Students have to appear in all the three Pen -Paper Tests.                                                                                                                                                          

5. First Evaluation will be recorded during the end of August , Second Evaluation will be recorded out during the end of November to the first week of December and Third Evaluation will be recorded during the second week of February & the first week of March.                                                                                                                                                                                  

6. Subjects mentioned in the Pen- Paper Test schedule are compulsory for III to V Standard students and the performance of students in these subjects will be counted.

7.Grades in various subjects and overall grade will be allotted on the basis of 5 points scale, given as follows:                                               

  (a)    90% to 100%     -    A+                                                             (b)    75% to 89%      -     A                                                                                         (c)     56% to 74%      -     B           (d)     35% to 55% -   C                    (e)     below to 35%  -     D                                                             

8. Overall grade in the individual subject will be decided on the basis of total marks scored in the entire three    Pen –Paper Tests including three projects and assignments.                                                                                                                                                                      

9. Each Pen –Paper Test will be of 50 marks subject- wise and will not be conducted again in the cases of absentees on any ground.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          10. Grades for Discipline, Health and  Hygiene, CCA etc. will be decided on the basis of class observation/performance/active participation in activities etc. in the entire session.                                                                                                                              

11. The given Pen- Paper Test schedule is subjected to be changed if and when the Institution feels the requirement due to genuine reason. 

                                                NORMS FOR STANDARD VI TO X                                                                                                                           

  1  According to latest examination reforms introduced by CBSE , the whole session has been divided into two terms .Each term consists of 100-100 marks .In the First term (April to September) PT1, PT2 and TERM-1/HALF YEARLY EXAM will be conducted. In the Second term (October to March) PT3, PT4 and TERM-2/ANNUAL EXAM will be conducted.                                                                                                                                   

2.  10% syllabus of first term will be asked again in the second term of VI std, similarly 20% syllabus of first term will be asked in second term of VII std & 30% syllabus of first term will be asked in second term of VIII std.                                                                                                                                                                                               

3.  TERM-1 will be conducted in the month of September & TERM -2will be conducted in the month of February &              March.                                                                                                                                                                           

4. Over grade will be awarded after adding the weightage of PT 1+ PT 2+ TERM 1 +PT 3 + PT4 + TERM 2.                                                                    5.  Students have to appear compulsorily in all the Exams/ Tests and in all the Co- Scholastic activities.                                                                                                         

6.  Half Yearly Exam for XI & XII std, will be completed in the month of September. For XII std. 1st Pre –Board Exam will be conducted in the Second Week of December, 2nd Pre-Board Exam will be conducted in the Second Week of January. For X std 1st Pre-Board Exam will be conducted in the Second Week of January.                                                                                                                                                                                             

7.  Syllabus of VI to   XI std will be conducted up to 15/01/2018 & Syllabus of XII std will be completed up to 31/10/2017.

                                                  FOR STANDARD VI TO X                                                                                                                                                                                                          

1.  Marks and percentage of the students will be reflected in the Report Book/ Progress Report as per the latest norms of CBSE.                                                                                                                                                                                                           

2. Areas of Assessment and Grading pattern has been categorized as follows  :                                                                                                                     

[A]  SCHOLASTIC AREAS :-  { Part 1 }                                                                                                                                                 

(a) It includes all the subjects like Languages , Science , Mathematics ,Social Science or any other additional subject.                                                                                                                                                                                                       

(b) Grading Scale for SCHOLASTIC AREAS {CLASS VI TO  VIII } will be done on the basis of 8 points Scale.  

Percentile -  A percentile rank is the percentage of scores that fall below is given score. To find the percentile rank of a score x, out of a set n scores, where x is not included, use

No. of score below x . 100 
---------------------------------------- = Percentile Rank

Life Skills Assessment (2A)

** The 5 point Grading Scale for Life Skills Assessment is given below:

Most indicators in a skill –A+

Some indicators in skill–B+

Many indicators in a skill–A

Few indicators in a skill–B

Very few indicators in skill–C


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DAV ACC Public School, Kymore
Teh: Vijayraghawgarh
P.O. Kymore.
Dist: Katni (M.P.) - 483880
Telephone/Fax: 07626-272185
Mobile: 9893405225 & 9425536703
E-mail:  davacckymore@gmail.com

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