DAV ACC Public School

Kymore, Katni, M.P.

Examination And Promotion Rules  
  • Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year's performance. Hence regularity in attendance and work is a must.
  • Students of Std. VIII, IX, X, XI & XII should secure a minimum of 40% marks in each subject (in theory & practical separately) in the Half Yearly / 1st Terminal Examination to be eligible for filling up forms for Board Exam.
  • No Re-examination will be taken.
  • Any absence from terminal / Annual Examination should be substantiated with valid reasons, otherwise the pupil will not be allowed to the next higher class.
  • Mass absenteeism before any examination or test would entail loss of one mark from compulsory subjects (English and Mathematics) for each day of absence.
  • Students who resort to malpractices in any of the Examinations will be awarded zero in the concerned subjects and may be debarred from appearing the rest of the examinations. This may even lead to the dismissal of the student from the school.
  • No student, who repeats the same class twice shall be allowed to continue in the school.
  • Results once declared by the Academic Committee shall be final and binding to all.
  • There shall be no formal examination from LKG to Std IV. Promotion to the higher classes will be made on the basis of progress made by the child, which will be assessed throughout the year. Students of Std IX and X will receive the Continuous and Comprehensive School Board Evaluation Certificate along with the evaluation card.
  • There shall be weekly tests and two terminal examinations for Std V to VII and due weightage of the weekly tests and terminals will be taken into consideration for promotion to the next higher class.


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DAV ACC Public School, Kymore
Teh: Vijayraghawgarh
P.O. Kymore.
Dist: Katni (M.P.) - 483880
Telephone/Fax: 07626-272185
Mobile: 9893405225 & 9425536703
E-mail:  davacckymore@gmail.com

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